Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hey Jammers! happy Tuesday! well i did not tell you this well on Sunday night i got stung by a scorpion! man it hurt! but still ill give you some scorpion fact's after this! Today's updates! well we have a new police hat for members for under water animals lol i bet you all with look good well that's all of today's updates so here are some scorpion facts! and some pictures! Well a scorpion is a type of arthropod   and has a stinger on its tail (witch really hurts when you get stung XD) There are over 200,000 types of species! wow that's a lot! Some people think the smaller the scorpion the more poisonous im not shure if its true. Scorpions have 8 body parts called the Chelicerae, pedipalp mesosomal tergites, telson,cephalothorax, opisthosoma porosma. Wow a lot.
They live in practically every country and love dark places. Best ways to not get a chance of being stung: every time you put on your shows shake them to make sure there are no spiders or scorpions. Do not drag blankets. Be carefull around under the fridge and all of thtas stuff so here are some facts jammers until later or tommarow ttyl!


  1. lol this picture actully creeps me out XD

  2. Neat facts! Didn't know you got stung by one of those things. They also glow in ultra violet light! I thought that was so neat!

  3. cools! i never knew that !! thanks for the facts lol :D
